CAHS is excited to announce that we have started performing virtual adoptions. If you see a pet on our website that you are interested in, you will need to call the shelter directly at (517) 626-6060 between 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday-Saturday. Please know that the phone lines may be busy. We will answer the calls in order they are received, and can assure that our receptionist will be extremely mindful of this. If the phone rings busy, please try calling again. As there will be a limited number of adoptions performed each day, the appointments will fill-up quickly.
Once you call the shelter and are put on the adoption list for that day, you will speak with an adoption counselor and schedule an appointment to come in and visit with that animal. If the pet is a good match, you will sign paperwork, pay the adoption fee, and take the pet home at that time. If the animal is not adopted, we will call the next person on the list. To minimize interaction, you will only be allowed one appointment, with on animal, per day. Our adoption counselors will help you select the pet that is the best match for you.
Please note that no more than two people from the same household will be permitted to visit, and we will not place holds on any pet for any day.
We are extremely grateful to have so many wonderful people opening their homes to animals in need. Thank you for your patience, as we navigate through this new adoption process.